
Powder conveying center

Powder conveying R&D center: We have a variety of powder handling and testing equipment, such as dense-phase plug-flow test equipment, fluidization test equipment, viscous powder and nano material conveying equipment, dust collection system, blending bin, weighing and metering equipment, big bag opening equipment, small bag opening equipment, and automatic small bag opening system. We are capable of providing a wide range of high-precision powder handling equipment for various industries (see pictures). Data from pneumatic conveying, weighing and metering, blending and homogenizing test and pressure valves can be directly used for magnifying design of production equipment. The accurate data can minimize the risk of customers and new equipment and the manufacture cost.


We are capable of providing a full range of physical property test, fluidity test, pneumatic conveying, weighing and metering, blending and homogenizing test and pressure valves for various industries. The accurate data obtained from them can be directly used for magnifying design of production equipment. The accurate data can greatly reduce the risk of customers and new equipment and the manufacture cost.